Prices for domestic flights jump 20% post pandemic: Adobe Digital Economy
Adobe Digital Economy Index tracks all new data on US domestic flight bookings online to gain insights on the airline industry’s recovery. Domestic flight bookings in March 2022 drove $8.8 billion in online spend, a significant 28% increase over 2019 levels (compared to March 2019 spend) before the pandemic. During the first three months of 2022, consumers have spent about $21 billion in domestic flights online whereas in 2021, $56 billion was spent.
Vivek Pandya, lead analyst with Adobe Digital Insights says “Consumers have seen online prices for physical goods rise now for 22 consecutive months, per the Adobe Digital Price Index, and inflation is becoming more prominent for services as well.” Adobe Digital Economy Index provides the most comprehensive set of insights of its kind, based on the analysis through Adobe Analytics that covers over 150 billion visits to travel, leisure, and hospitality sites.