How come the First Party, the new Third Party?
It’s because most data professionals believe that there won’t be a crumb of data left after third-party cookies disappear in 2023. But companies are left with finding better ways to collect data from potential customers with their full knowledge and consent. Companies can incentivize customers to willingly provide their own data in exchange for offers, exclusive content, and tailored recommendations.
With these efforts, custom forms will be the new cross-property tracking. Thus People-based identifiers will be the latest advertising trend. In short, when it comes to cookies, the first party will be the new third party. These changes benefit marketers too.The advertisers believe that with third party cookies, more targeting equaled more relevant ads and better business outcomes. It takes knowledge of emerging marketing trends and best practices to win in this era of cookies — a new era built around legitimate, two-way relationships with customers. For knowing customers to the core, companies rely on personalization, and targeting audiences for activating their data across channels. Companies use third-party cookies and mobile advertising IDs (MAIDs) to collect audience data via onboarders, data providers, and cross-domain tracking.