When the biggest Sg Electronics Store moved Online

Ceymox improves its expertise by re-reading the projects, case studies with its own expertise and finds the most interesting lessons. We believe every in development, the developers have something unique to tell, and we just read it for you, the case studies of Magento and its partners. We would like to call it as Magento Success stories.

A Bag Of Old Generation Television,Radio,Camera,Microphone,Telephone,Loudspeaker

COURTS Asia Limited established in Singapore and Malaysia in 1974 and 1987 respectively is a leading electrical appliance retail chain operates over 850 stores. Constantly innovating to improve the shopping experience, the retailer launched its online store with 7,000 product offerings in 2012. Do you know what its product range now and which platform they raised this?

Yeah, it is more than 17,000 and is the largest store in its network. And as you guessed it is MAGENTO.

The objective of COURTS Asia for its online store is to create a robust online store for its big base of customers. When the Magento Solution Partner, SmartOSC, explained the modern architecture, pre-built functionality and high-quality extensions available with Magento, the Group has decided that their perfect platform for the digital transformation was Magento Commerce 2.

A Camera Lens | A Macbook pro | Watch | 32 GB SD Card | Oneplus Smartphone

Utilizing responsive Magento themes and productive plugins and extensions COURTS Asia found it simple to integrate their email service, in-store customer information, and business systems with Magento. Migrating their Microsoft Dynamics NAV ERP was a major part of the process, exporting product inventory, price data, customer information, and store data to the new platform.

Building a stronger brand connection with their customers was also one of the key objectives of COURTS. Magento was built-in for doing brand promotion easily with quick plugins adaptable to perform any digital marketing activities like social media integration, funnel marketing, e-mailers, newsletter blasting,eCommerce SEO, affiliate marketing and many more. In short Magento 2 helped them to boost their marketing capabilities with huge customer engagement possibilities. It critically improved their checkout and user experience across all channels and what say ROCKETED profits by increasing overall efficiency.

As declared by the officials, flying on the wheels of mobile-first approach, new marketing strategies and omnichannel capabilities, COURTS Asia made a 41% growth in online revenue and a 52% hike in mobile transactions. They are expecting sustainable growth in online sales business in five years time by strengthening its back-end infrastructure.

John David
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KC Jagadeep

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KC Jagadeep, CEO of Ceymox, a leading Magento Development Agency based in India. KC is a passionate entrepreneur, Magento enthusiast, and advocate for open-source solutions, dedicated to enhancing the landscape of online commerce, particularly within the realm of Magento.Driven by the pursuit of creating and executing successful strategies and platforms for digital commerce, KC brings over 12 years of industry experience to the table. His mission is simple: to empower corporate eCommerce clients with effective digital commerce solutions and modern marketing practices, ultimately boosting profitability.As an entrepreneur with a proven track record in information technology and eCommerce services (including Magento and WooCommerce), KC possesses expertise in operations management, startups, various eCommerce platforms, and business process outsourcing.

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