14 Aspects to know while launching an eCommerce store using Adobe Commerce (Magento)

14 Aspects to know while launching an eCommerce store using Adobe Commerce (Magento)

Launching an Adobe(Magento Commerce) store is no simple undertaking; it is more than simply a website, but rather a complicated online business in which every aspect of operations must be carefully considered before moving into the digital world.

If you’ve migrated a website, you’d agree. Or else, this article will help you evaluate all of the critical components of effective e-commerce.

1) The Website Structure

Magento 2 allows you to manage many websites/stores/store views under a single installation from the same admin panel. It’s possible but not guaranteed that the layout and configuration of these sites and storefronts will be consistent.

If you need to make your website available in several languages, you may do so in two ways. Make sure each language has its domain by following this first step. Second, you may use a single domain to host several store views.

2) Target Audience

When establishing an online shopping business, it is essential to bear in mind both the target audience and the target market. Assume you’re an organic goods merchant on the internet. Providing in-depth accounts of the substances, health advantages, production facts, etc., stands as a certain way to earn money in this field.

Before making a purchase, customers who are serious about their interest in these goods will thoroughly investigate all available information.

Customers, young adults, and the elderly are all potential markets for your products; if you aren’t sure who to target, you should start by identifying these groups.

The next step is to collect data on them, including demographics like gender, age, income, and ethnicity. Get to know your customers deeply so you can speak to them in a manner most likely to connect with them.

3) Catalog Layout

The structure of every online store may be shown as a tree structure.

Site navigation bars allow customers to swiftly and efficiently find the things they’re looking for. Therefore, the site’s menu has to be simple to use so that consumers can save time and quickly find what they’re looking for.

Consider how you want your catalog to look—mindmaps are a terrific method to plan it. Determine which categories are essential to you, and then position them as accessible as possible from the homepage. Organize the products and services into the appropriate categories, and ensure that each product page does not have more than three levels of submenus. Magento developers need this information to build the website, and it will also affect user experience and hence the e-commerce store’s conversion rate.

4) Web Hosting

Cloud hosting is included as a platform-as-a-service in both Magento Commerce versions. This implies that you may access the program from any location. You may also grow and customize it to meet your specific requirements.

When opening a Magento OpenSource shop, search for the top managed cloud hosting options. In general, hosting companies offer a diverse variety of services. The most popular are as follows:

Shared Hosting:

It is the most economical hosting choice because it is shared. Because of this, your website will be hosted on the same server, among many others. In this instance, the number of server resources used will be the primary determinant of your store’s performance. If you plan to upload tens of thousands, tens of hundreds of thousands, or even millions of items to your shop, you can utilize this kind.

Dedicated Server Hosting:

You can rent a dedicated server if shared hosting does not meet your requirements. This means you won’t have to share the server with anybody else. You are free to use whichever hardware and software configuration works best for you. Because of its excellent security and performance, this choice is great for developing organizations.

Cloud Hosting:

If you require more power than shared hosting, choose a dedicated server. This eliminates the need for you to collaborate with any other users on the server. You are free to use whichever hardware and software configuration works best for you. Because of its excellent security and performance, this choice is great for expanding enterprises.

5) The Domain Name

Your domain name should be descriptive of your company and easy to remember. If there is something you desire, you should get it as fast as you can, preferably before another person does. Pick a name for your website that people will remember.

Domain extensions may be broken down into several categories, including general ones (.com,.net,.org), country-specific ones (.fr,.us,.uk), and domains describing specialised activities (.games,.music,.arts (.photography,.shop,.guru).

It is vital to understand that one of Google’s top ranking criteria is a domain name. Avoid using names that are identical to current ones since this can hurt your SEO rankings even if the domain is already established.

6) Design

Ready-Made Themes

Consider the following while creating your Magento store:

When developing your eCommerce business, Magento offers a number of ready-made themes. You may buy these themes from either the Magento store or a third-party seller.

These themes are often priced between $30 to $500. But before you go out and buy them, you should give the subject matter some serious thought. This is because ready-made themes frequently have flaws that might impact your site’s SEO and performance.

The theme you choose should also be responsive, meaning it adjusts to fit screens of all sizes.

Custom Themes

In today’s competitive e-commerce market, having a unique and easily identifiable brand is crucial. A custom theme may help you achieve both goals.

Getting the attention of customers is no longer sufficient. You must persuade people to enjoy, remember, return to, and recommend your shop.

A custom theme also has technological benefits beyond just aesthetic ones. For example, it improves the SEO of your store. With clean code, you can easily meet all of Google’s standards. Your store will also be well-organized and expandable. A bespoke theme also guarantees the safety of the design. There won’t be any stiffness or flaws.

Website Compatibility Design Themes

The more browsers there are, the more people use them. Users access the web using a wide variety of browsers, each optimized for a certain language, region, or other criteria. The ideal situation for your shop would be if it worked on every browser.

However, determining the target audience’s favorite browsers might be tricky, especially if you’re delivering internationally. With Google Analytics, you can find out which browsers your store’s customers use most.

Otherwise, you can adopt a more realistic perspective. People in your target audience may be more likely to be using Internet Explorer because of its widespread adoption throughout the years. Customers may be reached using browsers like Chrome that are optimized for modern hardware.

7) SSL Encryption

Consider using an SSL certificate.

Customers submit their credit card information at the checkout page of your store. This information is vital and is likely to be compromised. To develop trust, we must offer secure checkouts and a safe consumer experience.

This is made possible by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. Furthermore, the site URL shows whether or not the site is secure. “HTTPS” stands for secure, whereas “HTTP” stands for dangerous. In the case of the “HTTP” site, the user is also prompted with a warning.

SSL is usually offered on a monthly basis. Turning the browser bar green to represent the greatest degree of security is included in the more costly subscriptions. Browser warnings are now relied upon by Internet users. They are quite unlikely to make a purchase from an online business that does not utilize encryption.

8) Magento 2 E-commerce Shop Editions

Currently, Magento offers three unique alternatives. Magento OpenSource is available for free. Commerce Starter and Commerce Pro are the two premium variants. The free edition comes with most of the functionality you’ll need for your store. It allows you to, for example, establish a range of product kinds, give discounts, categorize consumers, and much more.

All of the free features are included in the Magento Commerce Starter, as well as extra premium features like exclusive private sales, reward points, wish lists, and more. It also includes email assistance from Magento developers as well as Magento cloud hosting.


Magento 2 includes a wealth of capabilities out of the box. If you need anything that isn’t offered by default in Magento, you may check out extensions. Merchants typically purchase enhanced layered navigation to augment the original one.

In exchange, it includes a filtered dashboard, filter block, horizontal filter bar, and other essential features. Another popular aspect is brand shopping. It enables your clients to look for items based on brands by adding relevant products to a navigation block.

9) Products

1. Product Groups

It’s easy to find what you’re looking for thanks to Magento 2’s categorization system, which divides items into six distinct categories: grouped, bundle, virtual, downloadable, customizable, and basic. You must select one. The items in a group are made up of a variety of simple things. Putting a camera lens with a tripod and a video camera together for a discounted price is an example of a product bundle.

Customers’ ability to build their own unique products from a variety of pre-existing options is referred to as “bundling things,” and it’s reflected in the fact that such products can be anything from a product bouquet to a bike. Products that exist only in the digital realm include services like hotel reservations and insurance, as well as things like music downloads and video games.

Extensions, e-books, digital audio files, and so on are all examples of downloadable goods that may be used in conjunction with online applications. Customers can choose from a variety of configurable options. Consider a laptop in a range of colors and configurations.

Finally, simple goods have a single feature. It will be impossible for your customers to customize their purchases in terms of size, color, or other attributes.

2. Importing Product Information

If your inventory consists of fewer than several hundred items, importing the associated data won’t be too much of a hassle. When you have hundreds of items, the process becomes more cumbersome. But don’t be concerned! Product data may be imported in a variety of ways, including:

  • Import CSV: CSV is a file format for storing product data. If you wish to migrate your product data between Magento versions, this is sufficient.

  • Software for Data Migration: These tools are used to move data from Magento 1 to Magento 2.

  • A Whole Module: This one is used to send data from a different system to Magento 2. There are a variety of ready-made solutions for well-known e-commerce companies. If not, you might have a custom module built.

10) Pages

You should remember the following while you design your online shop’s pages:


If you want customers to return to your site, you need to earn their trust. Whereas the product page, category index, and homepage can give some context, more detailed explanations of your privacy and return policies, as well as your terms and conditions, should have their own sites.

These are your “Content Management System” pages, and you may add them directly from the control panel. Absolutely, you can make your own basic websites if you want to. You’ll need to engage an expert to not only personalize but also polish your site to make it more active and user-friendly.


Blogs present an entirely new challenge. eCommerce stores may function without the need for a blog. A comprehensive essay with several photographs is the key to attracting clients’ attention yet being SEO friendly since, as we all know, “content is king.” Then, strong content helps people develop trust in you. This is important, so take your time and get it done properly.

11) Promotion

Marketing development

Magento has a number of features that may be used to manage advertising and marketing for products. OpenSource users get access to a plethora of features, including the ability to create wish lists, see products in greater detail, share items through email, view their recent product searches, and receive discounts.

You may sort your collection by best-sellers with only a click in the Paid Commerce edition, customize your website for different types of visitors, target specific audiences with targeted ads, and much more.

12) Evaluation

Every Magento 2 store’s success is primarily reliant on testing. As a result, you should carefully examine the site’s pages. Begin by evaluating the site’s design. Check sure everything is where it should be on each page by carefully examining it.

Then, you should check the functionality of each and every link by clicking on them to ensure they take you where they should. Every one of the banners on the website should undergo the same process. Don’t forget about the search bar. Be sure you’re using the search bar and that your input is verifying the search.

Examine the website’s header, as well as its navigation, shopping cart, checkout process, user accounts, blocks, and forms, as well as the responsiveness of the site.

13) Speed Optimization

Consider improving your store’s speed.

Magento is a resource-intensive platform. Thus it has to be set up correctly and provided with adequate resources for it to perform well. There might be delays even if you’ve put a lot of money into your shop’s physical infrastructure. Customers will have a better overall experience and be more likely to make repeat purchases from your Magento store if page loads are decreased. Consider the following to get you started:

  • Select the most suitable Magento hosting.
  • It is critical to keep Magento up to date.
  • Redis or Memcached can be used to accelerate Magento 2.
  • Maintain the correctness of the indexers.
  • Continue to investigate third-party addons available in the marketplace.
  • Publish Magento’s flat catalogs.
  • You should utilize a CDN if you want your website to load more quickly.

14) Incorporations

Here are several integrations to look out for:

Integrations of CRM
  • You must decide whether to connect your Magento store to a third-party CRM.
  • Integration of shipping services
  • Magento offers a wide variety of shipping options, including free standard shipping, flat rate shipping, a table rate shipping option, FedEx, DHL, and UPS.
  • Integration of payment methods

You must provide the method of payment. Adobe Magento Commerce supports a wide variety of payment gateways, including PayPal, Braintree, COD, Money Order, Bank Transfer Payment, Zero Subtotal Checkout, Purchase Order, Authorize.net, and more.


You need a clearly defined and effective Adobe(Magento Commerce) platform now that you’re prepared to sell products online. So, remember the most important details as you go.

Adobe Commerce Agency, like Ceymox Technologies, can provide developer support if you lack the necessary technical expertise. Thank you for your time.

Sreehari N Kartha

Hubspot SEO Certified

Hubspot SEO II Certified

Google Ads Search Certified

Google Analytics Certified

Sreehari N Kartha is a certified SEO expert, currently serving as a Digital Marketing Analyst at Ceymox. Specializing in diverse digital marketing endeavors, he adeptly manages advertising platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Whatsapp Ads and LinkedIn Ads. With a strong focus on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SMM (Social Media Management & Marketing), Sreehari excels in optimizing online presence and engagement. Additionally, he harbors a keen interest in Crypto, NFTS & Web3 technologies, enhancing his proficiency in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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