Believe These Magento Myths At Your Own Risk

Believe These Magento Myths At Your Own Risk

In the e-commerce industry, Magento is the most advanced e-commerce platform which is built to meet every need of an e-commerce store. Thousands of e-commerce web developers suggest or prefer this platform because of its big set of features & functionalities. It has been evolving continuously over the year with a new version upgrade almost every 6 months. Here are some interesting stats:

  • More than 7,500 retailers have started using the Magento platform for their e-commerce operations. This clearly defines its popularity.
  • In today’s time, Magento gets 5,000 downloads daily.
  • A few popular brands which are using Magento are Paul Smith, Nike, Canon, Christian Louboutin, etc.

However, there are many myths that are associated with Magento. These myths will not deter any Magento development company in India like us to stop suggesting Magento CMS for the e-commerce requirements. Some myths are so popular that they are even considered as a fact. In this article, we will be enlightening you about all these myths.

1st Myth: Magento is slow like a snail:

We all know the importance of speed in an e-commerce store. More than half of the customers will leave your store if it will take more than 3 seconds to load. There are many instances when a Magento store runs slow due to some configuration. But blaming the Magento platform for its slowness would be wrong. Using heavy themes, improper configuration settings, unoptimized images are just a few factors that can slow down your e-commerce store. Apart from this, the other factors are hardware, hosting environment, cache settings, etc. can directly impact the speed of your Magento platform. In short, Magento is not slow but you will require proper configuration and optimization to boost its speed. The best way is to hire a Magento development company like us who can help you in optimizing the speed of your e-commerce store. For optimizing the speed, firstly we find out the reasons which are causing it to run slow. A dedicated local hosting server is a must for a Magento store to run it faster.

2nd Myth: Magento is a free product:

Always remember nothing is free in this world, and so does Magento. Many people believe that the Magento platform is free to use as it is open-source and available for free to download. Even the Magento website claims that their community version is free to download. However, as you will start using it, you will realize that there are certain charges associated with it. You will get only basic options and limited user support with the free version. Developing an elementary website will not help you to stay ahead of your online competitors in this e-commerce thriving world. For increasing the conversion rate, you must use attracting themes and an easy navigation process. In the enterprise version, there are many out-of-the-box which you will not get with the community edition. You will have complete control over each & everything on your website in the enterprise edition. You can create highly customized navigation, promotional campaigns for driving sales and increasing conversions.

3rd Myth: Magento is not for SMEs:

Well, this is a very common myth in the e-commerce cavity that Magento is not for the small-scale industries and only if you are an established or huge business then you should use Magento for your e-commerce practices. This is completely baseless. Magento has been helping many SMEs and MSMEs for many years for scaling and expansion of their businesses. However, SMEs should start their journey with the community edition and gradually move to the enterprise edition as they get success in the e-commerce business.

4th Myth: No customer support for Magento stores:

Well, this is actually partially true, as you will not get customer support in the community edition. When things are fine, then this is not even an issue, but if something goes wrong, then things can be critical. Support is the first help that you will require to tackle any kind of issue. Magento Open Source users are on their own for these problems. Although there is a huge community for some issues, the guarantee is not there.

In Magento Commerce, you will get responsive support. So whatever the issue is, it will quickly get addressed by experienced developers. It will get resolved before it begins to impact the customer experience.

5th Myth: Magento is not SEO friendly:

Last but not the least, many store owners believe that using Magento it would be very hard for them to get listed in the top Google search results. Every Magento development company in India brags that they have optimized the e-commerce store for SEO. However, in reality merely using Magento for your e-commerce store as a CMS ensures SEO. The platform has been designed while keeping all the basics of SEO practices in mind. All new versions of Magento are made keeping this USP in mind. However, even the best ships cannot sail without wind. The same is true for Magento. The application of SEO techniques in a proper manner is quintessential for a successful SEO journey.

Wrapping Up:

In this article, we have gone through several myths associated with the Magento CMS. As a top-notch Magento development company in India, it is our responsibility to clear all these myths related to Magento. We have tried to enlighten you in every possible way. At Ceymox Technologies, India’s best Magento Development Company, we will give you proper consultation on whether you should opt for Magento Open-Source or Magento Commerce. Please let us know your requirements.

Sreehari N Kartha

Hubspot SEO Certified

Hubspot SEO II Certified

Google Ads Search Certified

Google Analytics Certified

Sreehari N Kartha is a certified SEO expert, currently serving as a Digital Marketing Analyst at Ceymox. Specializing in diverse digital marketing endeavors, he adeptly manages advertising platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Whatsapp Ads and LinkedIn Ads. With a strong focus on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SMM (Social Media Management & Marketing), Sreehari excels in optimizing online presence and engagement. Additionally, he harbors a keen interest in Crypto, NFTS & Web3 technologies, enhancing his proficiency in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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